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Table 3 Examples of gold standard criteria for adult breast cancer, adult acute myocardial infarction, child pneumonia, and neonatal birth asphyxia

From: Population Health Metrics Research Consortium gold standard verbal autopsy validation study: design, implementation, and development of analysis datasets

Adult breast cancer

Level 1

One of the following:


   • Operative specimen with histological confirmation


   • Biopsy/fine needle aspiration cytology

Level 2A

Both of the following:


   • Mammography diagnosis


   • Imaging evidence of metastases in bone, lung, etc. based on CT scan/MRI/X-rays

Level 2B

Patient under treatment from a recognized cancer hospital or cancer unit for breast cancer in cases where the basis for the initial diagnosis is no longer available.

Adult acute myocardial infarction

Level 1

Evidence of acute MI within three months preceding death based upon one or more of the following:


   • Cardiac perfusion scan


   • ECG changes


   • Documented history of CABG or PTCA or stenting


   • Coronary angiography


   • Enzyme changes (any troponin elevation or CK-MB isoenzyme elevation >2 times the upper limit of normal) in the context of myocardial ischemia

Level 2A

Clinical evidence of the following:


   • Sudden death within six hours of the onset of characteristic shock and chest pain when the case has been witnessed by a physician

Child pneumonia

Level 1

Chest X-ray showing primary end-point consolidation, pleural effusion or other consolidation/infiltration, plus two or more of the following:


   • Respiratory rate >70/minute


   • Severe lower chest indrawing


   • Abnormal breath sounds (i.e., grunting, decreased breath sounds, crepitations)


   • Rectal temperature >38°C or <36°C


   • Oral or axillary temperature >37.5°C or <35.5°C

Neonatal birth asphyxia

Level 1

Each of the following:


   • Failure both to breathe spontaneously and to cry at birth


   • No major congenital abnormality


   • Not a stillbirth (one or more signs of life at birth like pulse or movement)


Plus one of the following in the 24 hours after birth:


   • Not feeding


   • Hypotonia


   • Seizures


   • Needed and failed resuscitation at birth

  1. Level 1 is the most stringent criteria, while level 2A or 2B were also collected for some causes.